Well, we really liked last night's weird film. 4 stars from both of us.
It took us a while to work out what was going on - was it of the old genre of the cold war, spies and espionage or was it about people smuggling? However, as it rolled on the penny dropped and we found ourselves very engrossed in the adventures of Paul (no snores from Jeckle this time) and his abandoned soul. What an imaginative and strange story.
Well, we really liked last night's weird film. 4 stars from both of us.
It took us a while to work out what was going on - was it of the old genre of the cold war, spies and espionage or was it about people smuggling? However, as it rolled on the penny dropped and we found ourselves very engrossed in the adventures of Paul (no snores from Jeckle this time) and his abandoned soul. What an imaginative and strange story.
To us, Paul was a very likeable character and his facial expressions were marvellous. In fact we liked all the characters except for the Russian "boss" (can't remember his name).
We decided that the moral of the story is to be comfortable with and accept yourself, no matter what your short comings.
Good choice committee. Thank you.
It was great that people hung around afterwards. The film had a lot of people nattering in the foyer, so Heckle hopped around surreptitiously and did some eavesdropping. The most interesting comment overheard was that this film about souls did not mention religion once. Excellent observation.
It was great that people hung around afterwards. The film had a lot of people nattering in the foyer, so Heckle hopped around surreptitiously and did some eavesdropping. The most interesting comment overheard was that this film about souls did not mention religion once. Excellent observation.
Heckle also reports that the latest Nova film seen is, I Am Love. In a word - Divine ! The great news is that the committee is negotiating for us to see it, so I will say no more at this stage.
Over and Out for sure this time.
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